
Testing and assessment


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Assessment Policy

The school has a comprehensive assessment policy​
Please find listed below the key points relating to submitting/sitting assessments that will be applied across all year levels.

Draft assignment/assessment not submitted by the due date

The teacher will phone home to advise of the non-submission and of the final due date (if no answer an email or text will be sent). Students must submit a draft at the next lesson and the final copy by the final due date. Students may be required to work during breaks or after school.

Final assignment/assessment not submitted by the due date

If Junior students are away they have until 3pm that day to hand the item in at the Office, submit via Safe Assign or email it to the teacher by 3pm.

If Senior students are away they have until 3pm that day to submit via Safe Assign.

If Junior students (Year 7, 8 or 9) are away on the final due date due to illness a medical certificate or written explanation from home must be provided for approval by the Principal on the next day a student attends. If the absence on the due date is for any other reason a written explanation from home is to be provided to the Principal for approval on the next day you attend. Students can only submit the final copy once authorisation has been given.

If Senior students (Year 10, 11 or 12) are away on the final due date due to illness, students should still submit via Safe Assign by 3pm. If the illness prevents them from submitting, they must apply for an Access Arrangement and Reasonable Adjustment (AARA) using the form available on the website including a medical certificate on the next day a student attends. Students can only submit the final copy once authorisation has been given.

If no explanation or medical certificate is provided student's draft and other work will be marked and a grade awarded. A final copy will not be accepted. If no draft was submitted students may not receive credit for that assessment.

Student absent from an exam (in class or blocked exam)

The teacher will phone home to advise of the exam missed on the day of the exam (if no answer a text will be sent).

Junior students (Year 7, 8 or 9) must provide a medical certificate or a written explanation for student illness to the Principal for approval on the next day a student attends. For all other absences a written explanation from home must be provided for approval by the Principal in order for students to sit the exam the next day they attend school.

Senior students (Year 10, 11 or 12) absent due to illness, must apply for an AARA using the form available on the website including a medical certificate on the next day a student attends. Students may only sit comparable assessment if the AARA is authorised.

Please note: There is no opportunity to make up External Year 12 Exams for General Subjects

 Students are NOT permitted to sit exams early.

Extension requests

Junior students must apply for an extension to a due date on the official school form and submit this to the Curriculum Head of Department at least 3 days prior to the due date.

Senior students must apply for an Access Arrangement and Reasonable Adjustment (AARA) using the form available on the website requesting an extension, including a medical certificate where appropriate at least 3 days prior to the due date.

Last reviewed 24 February 2025
Last updated 24 February 2025