General Enrolments
An Enrolment Management Plan (EMP) is in place for Windaroo Valley SHS. The schools EMP and boundary catchment map can be located on our school website. Students from outside the catchment area can apply however there are strict guidelines. If you are interested in enrolling your student for 2025, complete an enrolment application.
The Enrolment Process Year 7 2025:
Complete the Enrolment Documentation for Year 7 2025 and return with supporting documentation to the school office in person. Supporting documentation includes: your child's Birth Certificate, latest school reports, latest NAPLAN report and for in catchment enrolments, proof of residency (rates notice, current lease agreement, unconditional sale agreement) and current utility bill (gas, electricity). The enrolment documentation can be collected from the school office.
Students whose Enrolment Application has been successful, will be invited, via email, to attend a compulsory enrolment night.
Enrolments in Excellence applications close Friday 2 May, 2025. Successful applications will be notified via email. The enrolment night is Wednesday 28 May 2025.
General applications will be notified in Term 3. The enrolment night is TBA.
Students who are unsuccessful will be advised in writing via email.
Enrolment Nights will be held in Term 2, 3 and 4. The Enrolment Night is where students and parents attend a compulsory evening conducted by staff to assist parents and students with understanding information about the school. It is also an opportunity for parents and students to ask questions.
The Enrolment Process:
Complete the Enrolment Documentation and return with supporting documentation to the school office in person. Supporting documentation includes: your child's Birth Certificate, latest school reports, latest NAPLAN report and for in catchment enrolments, proof of residency (rates notice, current lease agreement, unconditional sale agreement) and a current utility bill (gas, electricity). The enrolment documentation can be collected from the school office.
Students whose Enrolment Application has been successful, will be invited to attend a compulsory evening . Students who are unsuccessful will be advised in writing via email.
Enrolment Enquiry Contact Details: For further details regarding enrolments please contact the enrolments officer:
Phone: 3804 2330